Buy a house


This will be a simple explanation.
We are a community-based company that is familiar with various parts of each community.
We do our best to find the best for our customers.

If you have interest in any building or land, please notice us.
We will sort out your budget and terms when we meet along with other problems and conditions you may have.

In order to select a house we will further more question
either built new or built-to-buy, your yearly income and family make-up, part of community you would want to live in, the extent of land, floor plans, convenience etc.

After making financial planning, we will go for preliminary inspection to your choice of building or land.
There could be concerns that cannot be noticed from the house layout and other information from paper.
which will later on affect your daily life living there.

After selecting a home, there is a preliminary review.
We will make official application after we have an appointment with banking facilities and preparing paperwork for loan.